User's Guide ============ Creat MICTI Object ------------------ $MICTI(data,geneNames,cellNames,k=None,cluster_label=None,cluster_assignment=None, th=0,seed=None, ensembel=False, organisum="hsapiens") Input ~~~~ data """" Input data as sparce or dense matrix where the rows are cells and the columns are genes *geneNames* """"""""""" List of gene names *cellNames* """"""""""" List of cell names *k* """ The number of clusters or cell types *cluster_label* """"""""""""""" List of cluster lablees /cell types names *cluster_assignment* """""""""""""""""""" An aaray of cluster assignment for each of cells *th* """" The treshold gene expression value to consider a certain gene is expressed or not *ensembel* """""""""" A boolian value indicating the given gene name is ENSEBEL gene Id or not *organisum* """"""""""" The organisum where dataset belong eg. hsapiens or mmusculus Output ~~~~~~ The output is the MICTI object Data visualisation ------------------ ``$MICTI.get_Visualization(dim=2,method="tsne")`` Input ~~~~~ *dim* """"" The number of dimension for visualisation dim=2 or dim=3 *method* """""""" The method used for low dimensional visualisation, method="PCA" or method="tsne" Output ~~~~~~ Returns none. Desplays the lower dimensional representation of the dataset Clustering cells ---------------- ``$MICTI.cluster_cells(numberOfCluster, method="kmeans", maxiter=500)`` Input ~~~~~ *numberOfCluster* """"""""""""""""" The number of clusters *method* """""""" The method used for clustering. There are two options, ie. method="kmeans" for kmeans clustering or method="GM" gaussian mixture model for clustering *maxiter* """"""""" The maximum iteration that the k-means or Gaussian mixture algorithm takes in the clustering process. Output ~~~~~~ Returns None, assigning each cells into k clusters Cell-type marker genes ---------------------- ``$MICTI.marker_gene_FDR_p_value(clusterNo)`` Input ~~~~~ *clusterNo* """"""""""" The cluster number. Each clusters are identified by number. For example, if there are six clusters/cell-types, the cluster numbers are from 0-5. Output ~~~~~~ Returns a table with Z-score, p-value and FDR p-value for each of the genes. significant cluster markers --------------------------- ``$MICTI.get_markers_by_Pvalues_and_Zscore(clusterNo,threshold_pvalue=.01, threshold_z_score=0)`` Input ~~~~~ *clusterNo* """"""""""" The cluster number. Each clusters are identified by number. For example, if there are six clusters/cell-types, the cluster numbers are from 0-5. *threshold_pvalue* """""""""""""""""" The threshold FDR p-value. Genes/Markers with less than the threshold FDR p-value are selected. *threshold_z_score* """"""""""""""""""" The threshold Z-scores. Genes/markers with greater than the threshold z-score are selected. Output ~~~~~~ Returns a table with Z-score, p-value and FDR p-value of significantlly cell-type/cluster marker genes filtered by FDR Pvalue and Z-score. Gene-list enrichment analysis ----------------------------- ``$MICTI.get_sig_gene_over_representation()`` Input ~~~~~ None Output ~~~~~~ Returns a list with gene-list enrichment analysis result for each of cell-type/cluster marker genes